Hot air balloon flight Saint-Hubert

Ballooning in the region of Saint-Hubert

Filva Ballooning - Adventurous Enjoyment

Have you always dreamed of a beautiful balloon flight above Saint-Hubert ? Dream no longer and discover our possibilities.
Filva Ballooning has several take-off locations around Saint-Hubert:

-> Sainte-Ode, Saint-Hubert and Libramont.

Depending on the weather and wind direction, we choose the appropriate location to make a stunning hot air balloon flight in the region of Saint-Hubert.

A balloon flight Saint-Hubert

You can reserve a date for the region Saint-Hubert with a ticket-number balloon flight Ardennes

Prices balloon rides Saint-Hubert from 130€

What can you expect from your balloon flight in Saint-Hubert

The total experience always lasts three to four hours, so allow plenty of time. We meet at sunrise for a morning flight or about two hours before sunset for an evening flight. Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by our team. You will be checked in and when everyone is present there will be a safety briefing by the pilot.

And now the hot air balloon ride above Saint-Hubert really starts

After the briefing, the balloon is inflated with cold air. The hot air balloon straightens out as soon as the balloon burner is deployed. If the balloon is warm enough, it is time to take to the air. The flight time is about an hour during which we drift with the flow of the wind. It is the wind that chooses where the adventure goes. After the flight we all pack the balloon. To conclude, we will enjoy afterward over drinks for everyone and you will receive a personalized souvenir.

Bij de landing aan het einde van de ballonvaart in de Chouffe luchtballon is het steeds plezier en lachen.

After the briefing, the balloon is inflated with cold air. The hot air balloon straightens out as soon as the balloon burner is deployed. If the balloon is warm enough, it is time to take to the air. The flight time is about an hour during which we drift with the flow of the wind. It is the wind that chooses where the adventure goes. After the flight we all pack the balloon. To conclude, we will enjoy afterward over drinks for everyone and you will receive a personalized souvenir.

How to book a balloon flight above Saint-Hubert ?

1. First buy a Ticket or exchange your Bongo or Cadeaubox voucher

Buy a Ticket or one of our Gift vouchers. Or exchange your Bongo/Cadeaubox voucher for an Exchange-Ticket. Arrange a chasing vehicle to pick you up after the flight or purchase a Ticket Return Transportation.
You will receive your Ticket immediately in your mailbox after purchase.

2. Then book a balloon flight with our flight planner

With the number on your Ticket, Gift Voucher or Exchange-Ticket, you can book a specific balloon flight via the link below.
After confirmation, you will receive all necessary details by email.
We look forward to taking you in our basket !

Overview open seats

Below you will find an overview of the open seats by flight region*. Many flights are already fully booked as the 2024 flying season is approaching its end. There will still be flights every day in September, but only on weekends in October.

Below is an overview of the last open places for the 2024 flying season. The start of the 2025 flying season will be posted online at the end of October. Each flying region will then be scheduled per regularity throughout the year.

Below you will find an overview of the open seats by flight region* for the start of the 2025 flying season. Each flight region will then be regularly scheduled throughout the year.

Date Time Location Open From Fly now
TH 10-04-2025 18:30 Regio Gent 3 130/170
FR 11-04-2025 19:00 Regio Gent 1 130/170
SA 12-04-2025 06:30 Ontbijtvlucht Waasland 8 190
FR 18-04-2025 19:00 Regio Waasland 18 130/170
SA 19-04-2025 19:00 Regio Kempen 16 130/170
SU 20-04-2025 19:00 Regio Antwerpen 12 130/170
FR 25-04-2025 19:00 Regio Gent 18 130/170
FR 25-04-2025 19:00 Regio Antwerpen 2 130/170
SA 26-04-2025 19:00 Regio Hasselt 4 130/170
TU 29-04-2025 19:30 Regio Waasland 12 130/170
TH 01-05-2025 19:00 Région Bastogne 18 130/180
TH 01-05-2025 19:30 Regio Gent 11 130/170
FR 02-05-2025 19:00 Région Achouffe Houffalize 7 130/180
SA 03-05-2025 19:00 Région Libramont - Saint-Hubert 6 130/180
SU 04-05-2025 19:00 Région Arlon 16 130/180
SU 04-05-2025 19:30 Regio Antwerpen 18 130/170
MO 05-05-2025 19:30 Région La Roche-en-Ardenne 15 130/180
TH 08-05-2025 19:30 Regio Waasland 12 130/170
FR 09-05-2025 19:30 Région Bastogne 18 130/180
SU 11-05-2025 19:30 Regio Tienen 12 130/170
SU 11-05-2025 19:30 Région Achouffe Houffalize 13 130/180
TH 29-05-2025 19:30 Regio Gent 16 130/170
FR 30-05-2025 19:30 Région Achouffe Houffalize 8 130/180
SA 31-05-2025 06:00 Région Achouffe Houffalize 12 130/180
SA 31-05-2025 20:00 Région La Roche-en-Ardenne 8 130/180
SU 08-06-2025 20:00 Regio Hasselt 11 130/170
FR 08-08-2025 19:30 Choufferie feesten 18 130/180
SA 09-08-2025 19:30 Choufferie feesten 18 130/180
SU 10-08-2025 06:30 Choufferie feesten 18 130/180
SU 10-08-2025 19:30 Choufferie feesten 18 130/180

*Balloon flights are weather dependent and especially wind dependent. Filva Ballooning aims to offer only quality and safe balloon rides. The final departure location in a given flight region is therefore only determined on the day of the flight itself, depending on the wind direction. So you can no longer choose to leave at a particular location.

Give a hot air balloon flight gift voucher

» Do you know someone who has been talking about ballooning for a long time but never takes action for it? Then give him or her just that necessary push to make that dream come true! Give a hot air balloon flight gift card !
» Are you looking for a personalized gift that is a little different from all the others ?
» Or admit it, you just started too late to look for a nice gift. We are happy to help you out!
» A balloon flight gift voucher is unique and you can get it very quickly! You can find all information here.

Our hot air balloon flight regions in the Ardennes

Balloon ride Achouffe - Houffalize

Possible take-off locations for this region are Achouffe, Mont or Nadrin. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+

Balloon ride Saint-Hubert

Possible take-off locations for this region are Sainte-Ode, Saint-Hubert or Libramont. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Doe een ballonvlucht in de Ardennen regio La Roche en Ardenne met Filva Ballonvaarten.

Balloon ride La Roche-en-Ardenne

Possible take-off locations for this region are La Roche, Achouffe, Dochamps or Hotton. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Ballonvaart over Malmedy met Filva Ballonvaarten - Montgolfière Ardenne

Balloon ride Sankt Vith - Malmedy

Possible take-off locations for this region are Sankt Vith, Malmedy or Butchenbach. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+

Balloon ride Vielsalm

Possible take-off locations for this region are Vielsalm, Liernieux or Gouvy. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Ballonvaart te Bastogne aan de Mardasson.

Balloon ride Bastogne

Possible take-off locations for this region are Bastogne, Achouffe or Vaux-sur-Sûre. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+

Balloon ride Libramont

Possible take-off locations for this region are Sainte-Ode, Saint-Hubert or Libramont. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Doe een ballonvlucht in de Ardennen regio Arlon met Filva Ballonvaarten.

Balloon ride Arlon

Possible take-off locations for the region of Arlon are Habay or Arlon itself.
The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+

Our hot air balloon flight regions in the Ardennes

Balloon ride Achouffe - Houffalize

Possible take-off locations for this region are Achouffe, Mont or Nadrin. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Doe een ballonvlucht in de Ardennen regio La Roche en Ardenne met Filva Ballonvaarten.

Balloon ride La Roche-en-Ardenne

Possible take-off locations for this region are La Roche, Achouffe, Dochamps or Hotton. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Picture Mirwart Castle Saint-Hubert taken from a hot air balloon basket

Balloon ride Saint-Hubert

Possible take-off locations for this region are Sainte-Ode, Saint-Hubert or Libramont. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Ballonvaart over Malmedy met Filva Ballonvaarten - Montgolfière Ardenne

Balloon ride Sankt Vith

Possible take-off locations for this region are Sankt Vith, Malmedy or Butchenbach. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+

Balloon ride Vielsalm

Possible take-off locations for this region are Vielsalm, Liernieux or Gouvy. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Ballonvaart te Bastogne aan de Mardasson.

Balloon ride Bastogne

Possible take-off locations for this region are Bastogne, Achouffe or Vaux-sur-Sûre. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+

Balloon ride Libramont

Possible take-off locations for this region are Sainte-Ode, Saint-Hubert or Libramont. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+
Doe een ballonvlucht in de Ardennen regio Arlon met Filva Ballonvaarten.

Balloon ride Arlon

Possible take-off locations for the region of Arlon are Habay or Arlon itself. The final departure location is always determined in function of the wind and flight direction.

Promo price 180 pp
Price 130180 pp
130 child -16years/seniors 65+

Why Filva Ballooning

Bruco en Chouffe luchtballon samen in Beervelde - Filva Ballonvaarten Gent

Filva Ballooning is a full-time balloon company. This gives the flight preparation, such as the daily analysis of the weather conditions and the maintenance and preparation of the equipment, the necessary time. We feel it is important that this is not treated as an incidental matter after coming home from another profession. Your and our safety are too important!

Filva Ballooning is a company that works entirely according to the standards imposed by EASA, the European aviation authorities. This means that our hotair balloons meet the highest quality standards and that our pilots and crew are specially trained to consider safety as the top priority.

Our pilots are experienced and must have at least 450 flight hours to be allowed to fly with our balloons.
Driving with a balloon trailer requires a BE driving license in most cases. Many balloonists are not legally compliant with this.

Our hotair balloons are all from the Ultramagic Balloons brand. A top brand that stands for quality, innovation and energy efficiency. Every year they are subjected to a strict aviation inspection. We don’t forget our vehicles and trailers either!

We also work with a caterpillar vehicle and a winch on the trailer. This way we avoid unnecessary dragging when we clean up the balloon and the basket after the flight.

That the lucky passenger ends the balloon ride with a glass of bubbles is beyond question. However, we also provide a glass for your chasing  car. They also experienced an adventure following the hot air balloon by road.

If you have a specific wish or dream, ask Filip about the possibilities. He is happy to tell you what is possible and how to make it happen. We are here for you!

Filva Ballooning - Who are we ?

Filip Audenaert

Filva Ballooning (Filva Ballonvaarten - Montgolfière Ardenne) was founded in 2000 by myself, Filip Audenaert. I am a passionate balloonist from Sint-Niklaas with only one goal: to give everyone an unforgettable beautiful and safe balloon flight !

Customer oriented

We provide passenger balloon rides throughout the year for private individuals and companies. We listen to what our customers want and try to realize everyone's dream to the best of our ability. We are here for you!

Our team and our balloons

Hot air ballooning is not a one-man show. A whole team of pilots, drivers and ground crew are always ready for you. We can use several balloons that vary in size. This allows us to fly up to 100 passengers at the same time.

Open chat
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